Wonder Curriculum Based Games
The Last Mummy
Wonderlearn is willing to gamify educational concepts and curricula topics. Wonderlearn believes that gamification enhances the learning process through involving kids in the magic circle created by its unique complete original semi-virtual games. Wonderlearn has its prototype of already made game called Last mummy concerned with social studies for grade 4 students.
The Special Agent
The basics of our beloved Arabic language In a very different, gamified, interesting Context… Since, Many Arab Expatriate families are struggling to maintain their children’s Arab identity and mother tongue Arabic language. Providing the complexity of our great Arabic language and its traditional way of teaching…. Wonderlean has designed a full Gamified course for Arabic Language where learners are going to play and have fun while learning & practicing their essential Arabic Language The Ga
The Ice King
This product was designed to gamify the science curriculum for Grade 4 students Players of this game are supposed to work together in order to save the earth from the Ice king who had manipulated the global weather and imposed a real threat on the entire universe.
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Email: info@wonderlearn.com.eg
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